Welcome to my blog about horsey life in the North East - the good bits, bad bits, endless coffees and plenty of mud!

Monday 12 August 2013

You can go your own way*

*Shameless excuse to incorporate a Fleetwood Mac song title, but also the topic of today's small but sturdy post.

Over the years I have watched people and their horses and wondered if I should be doing the same thing. Sometimes it's a clear and immediate No, other times I'm tempted, other times I enthusiastically climb onto the back of their wave and ride it.

Option three usually, but not always, ends in a dead end. Because I am not other people. And their horse is not my horse, and at the end of the day you have to do what's right for you and yours, even when other people think you're mad or awkward.

It's like yorkshire puddings - everyone likes their way the best.

Clearly it's great to have icons and to read their books (I love doing this) but if we over idolise these amazing horsemen and women then we can overlook our own experience, which I think is just as valuable.

Now I do as I please, and always try to pick the option I think is going to be best for the horses. I want them to have happy lives and not be subject to the whims and fashions of the horse world.

There's a lot to learn from the right people, and we all need inspiration, but we can still make our own decisions and if it sits uncomfotably, just leave it where you found it.

There are lots of different ways to enjoy horses - so enjoy finding the way that works for you!

Happy horsing everyone!

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